About Dr. Wyndham

The Advertised Life1The advertised life: “An emerging mode of being in which advertising not only occupies every last negotiable public terrain, but in which it penetrates the cognitive process, invading consciousness to such a point that one expects and looks for advertising, learns to lead life as an ad, to think like an advertiser, and even to anticipate and insert oneself in successful strategies of marketing.” Tom Vanderbilt, The Advertised Life, in Commodify Your Dissent: Salvos from the Baffler, p.128-129.

Felice Wyndham dislikes writing bios. Perhaps you sympathize. She likes to surround herself with self-sustaining systems: dishes that dry themselves on airy racks; plants that re-plant themselves season after season. She loves it when neighbors are truly friendly, and has thought about designing a magazine for cockroaches. She is the kind of person who leaves milk unattended on the stove, yet always gets back to it before it boils over.

Dr. Wyndham is research affiliate at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford. Her main research focus is on ethnoecology, ecoliteracy, life histories and environmental change, and ethnographic writing.

In recent years, Dr. Wyndham has authored several articles on comparative ethnoecology and digital archives, and published a steady trickle of ethnographic poetry. She is co-editor of the volume, Ethnobiology and Biocultural Diversity, reviews editor for the open-access journal Ethnobiology Letters, and on the editorial boards of several anthropology journals.

Wyndham’s research as an ethnographer of ecological change has been supported by grants from the British Academy, the National Science Foundation, Social Science and Humanities Research Canada, and the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK.

Wyndham has held teaching and/or research positions at the University of British Columbia in Canada, the University of Georgia, and the University of Oxford. Her Ph.D. is in ecological anthropology from the University of Georgia, and her BA is in biology from Brown University. She is also a proud silversword alum of Maui High School.